I.     Future Active Participle – formation and uses (participium futūrī)      

A.  Formation

1.  take the supine stem and add ­–ūrus to it

a.  pugnātūrus (pugnāre), pāritūrus (pārēre), dormītūrus (dormīre)

b.  futūrus (esse)

2.  decline the resultant word like any adjective of the first and second declension

B.  Uses

1.  it can be used by itself like any other participle used as an adjective, in which case it means "going to. . .", "about to. . .", "intending to. . ." and any other way of expressing in English an action which hasnʻt happened yet, is not presently happening but which will happen or is intended to happen.

2.  it is frequently used with a form of sum as an alternative to the usual future tense form – this is the so-called "First Periphrastic" - example: Epistulam scrīptūrus sum = Epistulam scrībam.

3.  with esse it becomes the future active infinitive (īnfīnītīvus futūri)– e.g., Iūlius dīcit sē epistulam scrīptūrum esse = Julius says he is going to write a letter

II.    Future passive Infinitive

A.  This is an oddball thing that doesnʻt turn up very often, but you need to be able to recognize it when you see it.

B.  Formation

1.  supine + present passive infinitive of īre (which is īrī)

C.  Exempla ex textū:

1.  Aemilia Mārcum ā Iūliō verberātum īrī putat (line 114) – Aemilia thinks Marcus is going to be beaten by Julius.

2.  Ego eum nec mūtātum esse nec posteā mūtātum īrī putō (line 118) – I think that he has neither been changed nor will he be changed hereafter.

3.  Dīc eī respōnsum meum crās ā Mārcō trāditum īrī (line 133) – Tell him my answer will be delivered tomorrow by Marcus.

D.  Nota bene that since the form of the verb is the supine, it wonʻt agree with anything else in the sentence (except by coincidence).

III.   Impersonal Verb pudēre

A.  This is always in the third singular form: pudet

B.  It means literally "it shames"

C.  It always has an accusative naming the person who is ashamed

D.  It has either a genitive referring to what the person is ashamed of or an infinitive, frequently in the perfect tense (to have done something)

E.  quick way to grasp this: think of the accusative as the subject

F.  Exemplum cum īnfīnītīvō: Nonne tē pudet hoc fēcisse? = Arenʻt you ashamed to have done this?

G.  Exemplum cum genetīvō: Puerum pudet factī suī. = The boy is ashamed of his behavior.