Exercitium 1
This exercise is a short little work-out
with adjectives ending in –eus. The three that show up in this Lectio
are, as glossed in the margin of the text:
aureus, -a,
-um ligneus, -a,
-um ferreus, -a,
-um |
aurō factus ē/ex lignō factus ē/ex ferrō factus |
This should be fairly simple, as long as youʻre
careful to make sure that the adjective agrees in number, case and gender with
the noun it modifies. N.b. that the new word for door, foris, is feminine.
ānulus ex aurō factus =
ānulus aur_________
baculum ē lignō factum = baculum lign__________
catēna ex ferrō facta = catēna ferr_________
nummī ex aurō factī = nummī aur__________
stilus ferreus = stilus _______ _______________ ____________
pōculum aureum = pōculum ________ __________________ __________
forēs ligneae = forēs ________ _________________ ___________
Exercitium 2
This is the exercise which involves understanding the
sentence, determining which of the new vocabulary words completes it so that it
makes sense, and writing the word in the correct form.
Magna iānua ________________
ē duābus ______________, quae in ________________ vertuntur. 2.
Sub foribus est
__________________. 3.
_____________ [=
ōstiārius] dīcitur servus quī hominēs
advenientēs in ātrium _______________. 4.
Iānitor cum cane suō
vīllam dominī __________________. 5.
Canis, quī prope tam
___________ est quam lupus, catēnā
________________. 6.
________________ nōn modo canēs, sed etiam
iānitōrēs vinciēbantur 7.
________________ cōnstat ē multīs ānulīs
ferreīs qui ______________
_____ coniunguntur. 8.
Ānulus Lydiae nōn ex
ferrō, sed ex ____________ factus est. 9.
Ānulus aureus magnī
_____________ est. 10.
Iānua ē _____________
facta est ____________ [= ut] baculum
Iūliī. 11.
Servus quī epistulās
fert _________________ appellātur. 12.
Tabelllārius clāmat:
"__________ iānitor!
___________ aperīs? Num ____________ (= aliquis) hīc
est?" 13.
_______________ iānitor surgit et tabellarium _________________ [=
multa interrogat]. 14.
"____________ admitte mē!
___________ [= deinde]
respondēbō." 15.
Hostēs nōn sunt
_____________ vallum, sed ___________ vallum. 16.
Vulcānus est
deus __________________. |
admittere anteā aurum cardō,
cardinis, m. catēna, -ae,
f. cōnstāre cūstōdīre extrā faber,
fabrī, m. ferōx,
ferōcis foris,
foris, f. heus! iānitor, -is,
m. inter
sē intrā lignum,
-ī, n. līmen,
līminis, n. posteā pretium,
-ī, n. prius quīn (num)
quis rogitāre sīcut tabellarius,
-ī, m. tandem vincīre |
3 – Questions about Lectio I – short answers or complete sentences
as appropriate.
1. Ex
quibus partibus cōnstat iānua vīllae?
2. Quid
scrīptum est in līmine?
3. Quis
dīcitur servus quī iānuam cūstōdit?
4. Quid
facit is quī vīllam intrāre vult?
5. Ubi
sedet iānitor?
6. Cūr
canis iānitōris catēnā vincītur?
7. Ex
quā māteriā catēna facta est?
8. Num
ānulus LØdiae ex ferrō factus est?
9. Utrum
dūrius est, lignumne an ferrum?
10. Quis dīcitur
vir quī rēs ferreās efficit?
11. Cūr
ÔtabellāriīÕ dīcuntur servī quī epistulās ferunt?
12. Quōmodo
iānitor ē somnō excitātur?
13. Cūr
tabellārius nōn statim iānitōrī respondet?
14. Quid huic
tabellāriō nōmen est?
15. Unde
Tlēpolemus sē venīre dīcit?
16. Quid Iūlius
post merīdiem agere solet?
Exercitium 4
This exercise should be a fairly easy bit of work with the
supines. Check out the outline, section I, C, uses of the first and second supine.
Again, with verbs of motion (like īre, venīre, mittere), a supine in the accusative
expresses purpose.
The only other form of the supine, the ablative –ū, qualifies a certain kind
of adjective, like easy, difficult, horrible, painful, and a few others, e.g.,
wonderful to say = mirābile
For the sake of convenience Iʻve put all the verbs in
this exercise in the box at the bottom, in the three principal parts: present
infinitive, perfect infinitive and supine.
1. Post merīdiem Iūlius ambulā______ īre solet.
2. Postquam ambulāvit, lavā______ it.
3. Vesperī hominēs dormī______ eunt.
4. Māne amīcī ad vīllam veniunt dominum
5. Mēdus et Lydia in Graeciam eunt
6. Hostēs castra oppugnā______ veniunt.
7. Tabellārius nōn mittitur pecūniam postulā______.
8. Facile est vōcem magistrī
audīre = Vōx magistrī est facilis audī______.
9. Difficile est nōmina barbara dīcere
= Nōmina barbara difficilia sunt dic______.
10. Quae est dea pulcherrima? Id difficile
scī______ est.
ambulāvisse, ambulātum lavāre,
lavisse, lavātum dormīre,
dormīvisse, dormītum salūtāre,
salūtāvisse, salūtātum habitāre, habitāvisse,
habitātum oppugnāre,
oppugnāvisse, oppugnātum postulāre,
postulāvisse, postulātum audīre,
audīvisse, audītum dīcere,
dīxisse, dictum scīre,
scīvisse, scītum |
Exercitium 5
The irregular verb ferre
and its forms are the subject of this exercise. It is necessary to infer the meaning of each sentence and
then supply the form of ferre
which completes it in a way which makes sense and is grammatically correct. Consider whether the form needed is
infinitive, imperative or indicative.
Consider whether the subject, express or implied, is first, second or
third person and whether it is singular or plural. Consider whether the verb should be made in the passive
voice [a clue here would be whether the sentence contains an apparent ablative
of agent]. The forms are spelled
out in the margin.
Mēdus, quī rēs
Mārcī ____________ solet, hodiē abest. 2.
Itaque Mārcus ad lūdum
ambulāns rēs suās ipse ___________. 3.
Titus et
Sextus semper rēs suās ipsī ________________. 4.
Titus: "Cūr tū
ipse rēs tuās ____________ hodiē, Mārce?" 5.
Mārcus: "Ipse rēs
meās __________, quia Mēdus abest; sed cūr vōs semper
rēs vestrās ipsī ________________." 6.
Titus: "Nōs rēs
nostrās ipsī _______________, quia in ipsō oppidō
Tūsculō habitāmus, nōn procul ab oppidō." 7.
Mārcus: "Venīte
mēcum ac rēs meās ______________!" 8.
Sextus: "Rēs tuās
_____________ nōlumus. Ipse
rēs tuās _____________, Mārce!" 9.
Tabula, quae ā
Mēdō _____________ solet, hodiē ā Mārcō _________________. 10. Epistulae ā tabellāriīs _________________. |
INFINITIVE FORMS Active ferre Passive ferrī INDICATIVE FORMS Active Singular ferō fers fert Plural ferimus fertis ferunt Passive Singular feror ferris fertur Plural ferimur feriminī feruntur IMPERATIVE FORMS singular fer plural ferte |
Exercitium 6
This is the vocabulary recognition and application
exercise. The words introduced in
this Lectio are in the margin, although for reasons of space I have not
included the other principal parts of the verbs.
Canis, quī tabellārium
____________ stantem videt, dentēs ostendit ac ____________:
"RrrrrÉ" 2.
Canis tabellārium
_____________ vult, sed catēnā _______________. 3.
Iānitor eum dē cane
ferōcī ___________: "___________! Canis tē
mordēbit." 4.
Tabellārius nōn intrat,
sed in līmine ________________. 5.
"Nōlī canem tuum
____________!" inquit. 6.
In solō intrā
līmen est ____________ canis ferōcis. 7.
Tabellārius propius ad canem
______________ [= adīre] audet; neque imāgō canis neque canis
vērus eum ___________. 8.
Canis catēnam ______________
et vestem tabellāriī dentibus
_________________. 9.
_______________ novum, quod Tlēpolemus ___________ [= paulō
ante] ēmit, ā cane ferōcī _______________. 10.
Tabellārius ex ōstio
_______________ nōn potest, quia canis eum tenet. 11.
Homō territus nec _______________ nec ______________ audet. 12.
Canis eum locō sē
movēre nōn _________________. 13.
Iānitor virum territum
_______________: "Hahahae! Quīn intrās? 14.
Tlēpolemus intrāre
cōnātur, sed canis īrātus eum ex ōstiō
_________________. 15.
"Vincī _____________ [=
illum tuum] canem!" inquit tabellārius tōtō corpore
_________________. 16.
"Nōlī _________________ [= putāre] mē canem
solvisse!" 17.
Iānitor catēnam
prehendit et canem ā Tlēpolemō
________________. 18.
"______________ mē intrāre! Nōlī mē ____________ in imbrem
pellere!" |
accēdere arbitrārī cavēre cēdere dērīdēre forās forīs fremere imāgō,
-inis, f. iste, ista,
istud monēre mordēre nūper pallium,
-ī, n. pellere, prehendere prōcēdere recēdere removēre resistere retinēre rumpere scindere sinere solvere terrēre tremere |
Exercitium 7
1. Cūr
tabellārius in līmine resistit?
2. Quae
imāgō in solō intrā līmen vidētur?
3. Quae
verba īnfrā imāginem scrīpta sunt?
4. Num
Tlēpolemus imāgine canis terrētur?
5. Quid
agit canis cum Tlēpolemus ad eum accēdit?
6. Cūr
canis excurrēns catēnā nōn retinētur?
7. Cūr
tabellārius nōn audet locō sē movēre?
8. Quōmodo
canis eum forās pellit?
9. Cūr
tremit Tlēpolemus?
10. Cūr
tabellārius iānitōrī pallium suum ostendit?
11. Quid
tabellārius sēcum fert?
12. Quis epistulam in
ātrium ad Iūlium fert?