Stirps Romana





                      (1)     (1)

                       |       |




                      (2)     (2)

    ___________________|       |_______________________

   |        |          |       |           |           |

Patruus   Amita     Abavus---Abavia    Avunculus   Matertera

Maximus   Maxima           |           Maximus     Maxima


                (3)                 (3)

    _____________|_____         _____|_________________

   |        |          |       |           |           |

Patruus   Amita    Proavus---Proavia   Avunculus   Matertera

Maior     Maior            |           Maior       Maior


                (4)                 (4)

    _____________|_____         _____|_________________

   |        |          |       |           |           |

Patruus   Amita       Avus---Avia      Avunculus   Matertera

Magnus    Magna            |           Magnus      Magna


                (5)                     (5)

    _____________|_________         _____|_______________________

   |      |                |       |                   |         |

Patruus Amita  Noverca---Pater---Mater---Vitricus  Avunculus Matertera

     |   |             |       |       |                 |   |

  Frater/Soror        (6)      |      (7)             Frater/Soror

   Patruelis                   |                     Consobrinus -a

           (6)                 |            (7)

      ______|______            |         ____|____

     |             |           |        |         |

   Frater        Soror         |      Frater    Soror

Consanguineus Consanguinea     |     Uterinus  Uterina


                       |       |      |

                   Germanus/  EGO  Germana/

     Uxor Fratris---Frater          Soror---Maritus Sororis

                  |                       |

        Nepos / (Neptis) /      Nepos / (Neptis) /

        Filius -a Fratris       Filius -a Sororis






         (8)      (8)

          |        |



  |        |             |

Frater   Soror  EGO---Coniunx---?

Mariti/  Mariti/    | Maritus/ |

Uxoris   Uxoris     | Uxor      \

             _______|            \

            |       |            |

 Nurus---Filius  Filia---Gener  Privignus -a

       |               |

      (9)             (9)



             |       |

Pronurus---Nepos   Neptis---Progener

         |                |

        (10)     (10)   (10)


             |         |

          Pronepos  Proneptis



The terms:


abavia -ae, f.; great-great-grandmother


abavus -i, m.; great-great-grandfather


amita -ae, f.; paternal aunt, father's sister


amita magna; grandfather's sister, great aunt


amita maior; great-grandfather's sister, great-great aunt, great-grand aunt


amita maxima; great-great-grandfather's sister, great-great-great aunt,

great-great-grand aunt


atavia -ae, f.; great-great-great-grandmother


atavus -i, m.; great-great-great-grandfather


avia -ae, f.; grandmother


avus -i, m.; grandfather


avunculus -i, m.; maternal uncle, mother's brother


avunculus magnus; grandmother's brother, great uncle


avunculus maior; great-grandmother's brother, great-great uncle,

great-grand uncle


avunculus maximus; great-great-grandmother's brother, great-great-great

uncle, great-great-grand uncle


coniunx -iugis, m./f.; spouse

  (also coniux -iugis)


EGO (mei mihi me me); 1st person singular, I, the person from whose point

of view the chart is labelled


filia -ae, f.; daughter


filia fratris; fraternal niece, brother's daughter


filia sororis; sororal niece, sister's daughter


filius -i, m.; son


filius fratris; fraternal nephew, brother's son


filius sororis; sororal nephew, sister's son


frater -tris, m.; brother, male sibling or age mate


frater consanguineus; paternal half-brother


frater consobrinus; maternal cousin, son of a matertera


frater mariti; brother-in-law, husband's brother


frater patruelis; paternal cousin, son of a patruus


frater uterinus; maternal half-brother


frater uxoris; brother-in-law, wife's brother


gener -eri, m.; son-in-law, daughter's husband


germanus -a -um; full-blooded, with the same father and mother


maritus -i, m.; husband


maritus sororis; brother-in-law, sister's husband


mater -tris, f.; mother


matertera -ae, f.; maternal aunt, mother's sister


matertera magnus; grandmother's sister, great aunt


matertera maior; great-grandmother's sister, great-great aunt, great-grand aunt


matertera maxima; great-great-grandmother's sister, great-great-great aunt,

great-great-grand aunt


nepos -potis, m.; grandson; nephew


neptis -is, f.; granddaughter; female descendent; (niece?)


noverca -ae, f.; step-mother


nurus -us, f.; daughter-in-law, son's wife


pater -tris, m.; father


patruus -i, m.; paternal uncle, father's brother


patruus magnus; grandfather's brother, great uncle


patruus maior; great-grandfather's brother, great-great uncle, great-grand



patruus maximus; great-great-grandfather's brother, great-great-great

uncle, great-great-grand uncle


privigna -ae, f.; step-daughter


privignus -i, m.; step-son


proavia -ae, f.; great-grandmother


proavus -i, m.; great-grandfather


progener -eri, m.; grandson-in-law, granddaughter's husband


pronepos -potis, m.; great-grandson


proneptis -is, f.; great-granddaughter


pronurus -us, f.; granddaughter-in-law, grandson's wife


prosocer -cris, m.; grandfather-in-law; spouse's grandfather

  (also socer magnus, then socer maior, etc.)


prosocrus -us, f.; grandmother-in-law; spouse's grandmother

  (also socrus magna, then socrus maior, etc.)


socer, socris, m.; father-in-law, spouse's father


socrus -us, f.; mother-in-law, spouse's mother


soror -sororis, f.; sister, female sibling or age mate


soror consanguinea; paternal half-sister


soror consobrina; maternal cousin, daughter of a matertera


soror mariti; sister-in-law, husband's sister


soror patruelis; paternal cousin, daughter of a patruus


soror uterina; maternal half-sister


soror uxoris; sister-in-law, wife's sister


tritavia -ae, f.; great-great-great-great-grandmother


tritavus -i, m.; great-great-great-great-grandfather


vitricus -i, m.; step-father


uxor, uxoris, f.; wife


uxor fratris; sister-in-law, brother's wife