William Snyder
Contact Information:
Room 230
Bedford High School
330 East John Street
Bedford, PA 15522
814-623-4250 extension 1230
snyderw@bedford.k12.pa.us (during school hours)
whsnyderjr@mac.com (before and after school hours)
the wiki for Latin (02/22/09) -http://bhslatinclasses.wikispaces.com/
the wiki for Latin AP (09/09/12) - http://bhsaplatin.wikispaces.com/
the wiki for Latin and French (09/25/12) - http://bhs2012frenchandlatin.wikispaces.com/
the wiki for Son et Sens (4/13/09) - http://bhssonetsens.wikispaces.com/
the wiki for Scènes et Séjours (4/4/09) - http://bhsscenesetsejours.wikispaces.com/
the wiki for french one (5/17/11) - http://bhsfrenchone.wikispaces.com/
Quia - http://www.quia.com/web
Schedule for the academic year 2012-13:
French 2 (1st Period - 8:15 to 9:02)
French 1 (2nd Period - 9:05 to 9:51)
French 3 & 4 (3rd Period - 9:54 to 10:40)
Latin AP (3rd Period - 9:54 to 10:40
Latin III (4th period - 10:43 to 11:29)
Lunch (5th period - 11:32 to 12:06)
Advisory (6th period - 12:09 to 12:43)
Latin II (7th Period - 12:46 to 1:32)
Latin I (8th Period - 1:35 to 2:21)
Prep (9th period - 2:24 to 3:10)
A photograph of the original bas relief upon which the drawing at page 110 of Lingua Latina is based.
Me a few years ago, more hair, no glasses. More information.
Here is a link to my blog.
MMS parent portal login
If you need a word processing program compatible with Microsoft Word you can get a free one at or here